Agents Shuffled on Council Land

Filed in Recent News by August 14, 2018

LOCAL real estate agents were shocked to receive an unsigned letter from the Upper Hunter Shire Council advising them their agreement with Council to sell land in the Aberdeen Heights subdivision had been terminated and the “agreement has now been issued to an agent as an exclusive listing.”

The agents voiced their concerns to saying the decision was not put before Council’s Land Committee nor did it go to a full Council meeting for approval and there was no expression of interest process before they were advised there was now an exclusive agreement.

However, Steve McDonald, general manager of Upper Hunter Shire Council said the agreement with an exclusive agent had not been finalised and the process has been reviewed.

“It hasn’t been given to an exclusive agent, there was a preferred applicant and those negotiations had not been finalised,” said Mr McDonald.

“Council has a policy of a minimum amount of agents which is two and there will be a minimum of two, but we want to be more inclusive and it will be potentially better having more agents selling the land for us,” Steven McDonald said.

Mr McDonald further confirmed the matter would be raised at the next meeting of Council’s Land Committee and the minutes of that meeting will be presented at a general Council meeting.

There are nine lots remaining in the subdivision with the last sale being two and a half years ago.

Agents estimate they can make between $2,000 to $3,000 commission on each block.

Mr McDonald said there would be a review of all land owned by Council.

“Obviously the market is getting tighter with the rental market going up and with the availability of developed land between Scone, Aberdeen and Muswellbrook and we’re trying to look at a strategy to sell that land as efficiently as we can,” he said.

“We want to work with all of the agents regarding that, there will be a new process to look at a marketing strategy of how we can sell the land,” Steven McDonald said.

Mr McDonald said he believes a marketing campaign is key to selling the land, while agents have said it is a matter of the price of the blocks compared to what people can still buy in Scone and Muswellbrook.

Related Story: Prices “Slashed” in Aberdeen – September 27, 2018.

Upper Hunter Shire Council may give exclusive agents rights for Aberdeen Heights.

Upper Hunter Shire Council may give exclusive agents rights for Aberdeen Heights.







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