Aberdeen Kinder 2016

Aberdeen Public School Kindergarten 2016: Front L-R: Jai-dee Anderson, Claire Saunders, Lacie May Hall, Byron Warden-Berlin, Joseph Vosilla. 2nd row: Matty Daniels, Sophie Taylor, Grace Brown, Austin O’Bryan, Lacie Allan, Zack Jones, Jazmine McCloud, Samuel Jones. Third row: Dominic Sullivan, Sammy Dixon, Cohen Ashford-Apps, Molly Walklate, Sebastian Morrison, Lars Adam, Harper Hoogerwerf, Koby King. Back row: Thomas Roughan, Darius Geerin, Ryder Jordan, Dean Mohr and Natalia Dever.
SCHOOL has begun for 26 children at Aberdeen Public School.
It is only their second day, but their first report is that they are settling in beautifully.
According to the smallest students, the best thing about big school is playing, specifically playing cricket on the top oval.
The scariest things about school are eating dinner and monsters and the best things to have in a school lunch box include cheezels, fruit, bananas, twiggy sticks, apples and yogurt.
The favourite quote so far from this group occurred yesterday when a student complained to a teacher that a wall jumped out and hit them.
Good luck at big school!