Aberdeen Earth Works Commence Next Week
STARTING next Monday, September 21, the Aberdeen St Andrews Reserve will undergo two months worth of earth works, to prevent further erosion of the gully connected to the Hunter River.
See map below
The Upper Hunter Shire Council have said further erosion will threaten nearby property and Council infrastructure, as the reserve acts as a natural stormwater drainage channel for a large portion of the Aberdeen township.
Council are asking residents to follow signage and barricading during the works, as there will be increased traffic movements on local roads, including heavy vehicles delivering large quantities of rocks and boulders and heavy plants.
Soil Conservation Service have been contracted to design and construct the works, which will be joint funded by UHSC and Local Land Services.
Works will include site mobilisation, vegetation clearing, delivery and placement of large rock and demobilisation and revegetation of disturbed areas with native seeds and riparian vegetation.
Council Parks and Gardens staff will undertake ongoing vegetation management in the area when the work is completed.
Work hours will be between 7am and 5pm, Mondays to Fridays, with no anticipated weekend works.
For further information on the works, contact Council on 6540 1100.
Contact information for any emergencies or issues during works will be posted on site signage.

Map of work area and entrance pathway. Primary access to the site will be via Perth St and Segenhoe St, from the New England Highway. Photo by Upper Hunter Shire Council.
Tags: aberdeen, earthworks, St Andrews Reserve, Upper Hunter Shire Council