Editorial: Public Servants Serving Who?
THE local Council have again made a major decision without any consultation and simply added a half-hearted promise to do better next time.
The decision that “septic waste will no longer be available in the Upper Hunter Shire Local Government area, now or in the future,” was made with no mention on the public record, no consultation, no discussion at a Council meeting and now with no responsibility or accountability taken, much less leadership.
It begs the question whose interests are these public servants serving and who do they feel answerable to if not the community they are meant to serve?
This Council seem to feel they can pick, choose and twist what process they follow.
The same people who made the decision not to report the repeated warnings of the environmental protection agency, or the closure of the septic services, did however find it in the public interest to report 100mm PVC pipe in Kingdon Street was being changed to 150mm pipe and ensured that was on the public record.
These things were supposed to be tabled in the works and technical services committee on which Deputy Mayor Collison sits, but even once he was informed of the situation by a member of the public, he stayed tight lipped about the closure during the next meeting which meant nothing was on the public record yet again.
In fact, nothing was on the public record about any of this until we wrote the story Septic Stink.
Perhaps it was one rogue public servant who made the decision all by themselves to close a service impacting more than 2,000 residents.
Perhaps the general manager was completely in the dark about what his staff were up to, but once the general manager and Councillors did know, what did they do about it?
Perhaps it is the tail wagging the dog, when Councillors can’t get public servants to answer their questions in a timely manner?
We’ve asked who knew, when they knew and what they did about it, but the general manager, Mayor and Deputy Mayor have so far not responded to any questions.
As a bit of a fishing expedition, I asked if I could table questions at the Works and Technical Services committee meeting being held today to ensure they were on the public record and answered, assuming they would be sent into a flurry trying to sort out how to avoid my questions being tabled.
Not to disappoint, the Chair of the Committee Cr Campbell has said while the protocols allow it, the Chair at their discretion can prevent people from participating and so Cr Campbell has said the media are no longer allowed to table questions.
While I find their ducking and weaving humorous, I do have concerns about how ‘discretion’ may be used by this Council in the future to exclude others, without any parameters or explanation, just when it makes them feel uncomfortable.
Ultimately the buck stops with the general manager, the Deputy Mayor and the Mayor for all matters relating to Council and perhaps it is because they are all so busy focusing on getting this septic mess sorted and serving the community by ensuring they are fully informed about the important things in the Shire that they have been unable to?
But amongst many media releases from the Shire was one announcing Cr Collison was busy overseeing a garden on a median strip.
We didn’t cover that story, but a photo of the general manager, Deputy Mayor and Mayor with shovels and buckets in hand while knee deep in the septic pit would make a great story.
Elizabeth Flaherty