First Test of the New Council

Filed in Feature, Just In by October 10, 2024

George Fraser has confirmed he will be running for Mayor, explaining people voted for change and expect to see change.

New Councillors secured 52% of the primary vote, while incumbent Councillors only 36%, and 12% to candidates not elected.

“Clearly the people of the Upper Hunter Shire have expressed strong opinion that they desire change from the previous group of Councillors and the way it was lead,” said Mr Fraser.

“Maurice has hand on the tiller for the last four years and the clear message from the people of the upper Hunter Shire is they desire change,” he said.

George Fraser commits to the change people have demanded.

“I plan to lead a united and inclusive Council, which listens not only to individual Councillors, but the voices of the community, and to make decisions which are sustainable and make sense to the people in the Shire.

“My task is to deliver what was asked of us at the ballot box, to deliver change,” George Fraser said.

Peter McGill and Troy Stolz agree people have demanded change, support Mr Fraser and encourage the community to make their expectations known to Councillors before they vote for the Mayor on Monday.

Troy Stolz explains, “if people want change and want George to guide us out of the dark tunnel we are in, they need to contact the Councillors and make their voices heard; especially the new Councillors need to hear what the people who voted for them expect.”

“This is the first real test of this Council to see which Councillors listen to the people of the Shire,” said Mr Stolz.

Peter McGill said, “people have said very clearly they want change, and George has the best skill set to move the Shire forward.”

“People want a Mayor who is coherent, who they can respect, with a clear direction for the Shire and that’s where George’s skill set comes to the fore,” he said.

Troy Stolz agreed, “what I’ve seen of George, he has great ideas and articulates them extremely well, he is who we need to send down to Canberra and Parliament House in Sydney to get us out of the mess we are in.”

“He definitely has the communities’ interests at heart, he is scaling back his business to do this, so he’s not doing it for the money,” he said.

“During this week of Councillor inductions, it was extremely evident as newcomers we have significant skills in this space, George’s knowledge of the law, governance and process was very clear and Peter’s experience in chairing national organisations were impressive, it was very clear that as newcomers we well and truly have the acumen to turn things around,” said Mr Stolz.

Peter McGill also highlighted Troy Stolz’s extensive experience in compliance, “he would be ideal on the audit and risk committee.”  

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