Weather: The week ahead
PARTLY cloudy conditions and patchy rainfall is expected in the Upper Hunter today and tomorrow, as the current cold front moves north east.
The cold front brought significant rainfall yesterday and will be met with a large high pressure system which is expected to end up in the southern Tasman Sea.
Higher chances of rainfall expected on Wednesday and Thursday, with the remainder of the week seeing reasonable wet conditions.
Winds will change from a southerly to an easterly direction and light rainfall is expected to continue over the weekend.
A maximum temperature of 21 today in Scone.
The Glenbawn Dam is currently at 50.7 percent capacity.
Predicted temperatures in Scone:
- Tuesday: 11-24
- Wednesday: 14-22
- Thursday: 15-24
- Friday: 16-26
- Saturday: 17-27
- Sunday: 17-27