Concerns and Complaints
We want to ensure our reporting is factual, balanced and fair and that all users across our platforms are adhering to our editorial and content policies.
While we endeavour to monitor content, comments and contributions, if there is something of concern on our news websites or any associated social media platforms, please bring it to our attention: Contact Us.
We appreciate some matters may be of an urgent nature, and may occur outside normal business hours, in which case please phone the mobile numbers listed on our sites.
To assist staff with addressing your concerns in a timely manner please:
- provide your contact details – name, phone and email;
- identify the location of the material – news site, platform, story and thread. Screenshots may be helpful;
- clearly identity the content of concern – such as specific sentences and words, and
- offer your suggestion on how it could be resolved.
The staff member will then investigate your concern and may escalate it to a senior journalist, editor or director of Wavelength Group Pty Ltd.
Resolving your concern:
- We aim to address concerns as quickly as possible. When practicable, we aim to investigate concerns within the hour of it being raised.
- Some matters may take more time to be investigated, for example, if it pertains to a court matter we may need to cross reference material with court documents or if it is a statement from a third party we may need to contact them to clarify and verify information.
- Other matters may require further consideration and discussion with senior staff or legal counsel.
The staff member who takes your complaint will record the time you contacted them to raise the concern and keep a record of all action taken in investigating and addressing your concern.
The staff member will remain your point of contact to ensure continuity of the process, but may involve other staff in resolving your concern, who may also contact you.
Other related information: