Before You Load Up…
DR Jane Bennett, district veterinarian for Hunter Local Land Services is cautioning people who are moving livestock to compete at events to understand their event biosecurity responsibilities before they load up and leave for the farm.
“Local shows and other livestock competitions are increasingly popular pastimes in the Hunter, especially horse events,” Dr Bennett said.
“The chance of a serious disease spreading increases during the show season when livestock are moved between different locations, and stock are congregating in a small, confined area such as the local showground,” said Dr Jane Bennett.
All livestock owners also need to ensure they have an up to date property identification code (PIC) even if they do not move their livestock.
Tomorrow night Hunter Local Land Services will hold an event biosecurity workshop for organising committees and equip them with a toolbox for managing disease and pest risks associated with bringing large numbers of competitors and livestock together at a venue.
- WHEN: 6:30 – 9:30pm, Tuesday, August 23.
- WHERE: Scone RSL Club, 71 Guernsey St, Scone.
- COST: Free.
- MORE INFORMATION: Jayne Wintle, 02 6540 2400.