2017 VIP Announced

Filed in Recent News by May 5, 2017

LAST night Sam Randle was announced as the Young Achiever for the 2017 Scone Horse Festival and Lisa Martin was announced as the VIP at the official opening of the Festival at the Vinery Stud.

See gallery below.

Sam was born and raised in Scone and his mother Lisa Randle said he has always been a natural horseman across a range of equine disciplines.

“He’s been involved in every facet of equestrian sport,” said Ms Randle.

“He’s just good on a horse it doesn’t matter what the challenge is,” she said.

“He’s ridden pony club, show jumping, eventing, polo horses, camp draft horses, challenge horses and mustered he has a basic grounding in horses and now he has taken on bronc riding and he is good at it,” Lisa Randle said.

Sam is currently working on a station, so his proud parents, Johnathon and Lisa Randle accepted the award on his behalf.

Lisa Martin, who represented Australia at the Rio Olympics said she was excited to be named VIP of the Festival.

Jason Martin with wife Lisa Martin, the 2017 VIP of the Scone Horse Festival and daughter Jess.

Jason Martin with wife Lisa Martin, the 2017 VIP of the Scone Horse Festival and daughter Jess.

“I am incredibly humbled and excited to be the VIP of Scone Horse Week, it’s like walking out of Rio after coming fourth,” said Ms Martin.

“It means quite a lot to get recognition from your own home and it is touching to think they thought of me,” she said.

“I love the Scone Horse week, it really brings Scone alive, on my horse float we have written ‘Lisa Martin, Scone Horse Capital of Australia’ and I love to tell other people when we trave where I am from,” she said.

“I even go to the Visitor Information Centre and get memorabilia like t-towels and show photos I am really quite proud of the town, so this means so much,” Lisa Martin said.

David Gatwood, vice president of the Scone Horse Festival took the opportunity to thank Lee Watts, current president Committee for her five years of service to the community.

“If you looked up the Oxford dictionary for ‘pillar of the community’ there would be a picture of Lee Watts, she does a huge amount for the community and on behalf of the committee we appreciate her efforts over the last five years,” Mr Gatwood said.

Amanda Riordan, Cathy Gatwood, Amy Courtney and Mandy Mitchell-Kennedy.

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Amanda Riordan, Cathy Gatwood, Amy Courtney and Mandy Mitchell-Kennedy.

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