What’s on: Sunday May 8
Australian Tent Pegging Championships
The Australian Tent Pegging Association, will be holding its National Championships for the third year running during the Horse Festival. Tentpegging originated in the North West frontier of India and was taken up by the soldiers of the British Cavalry to use as practice for mounted warfare. Today the sport is practiced in many countries, mainly by civilian and light horse.
- When: 8am – 4pm.
- Where: White Park, Geurnsey Street Scone.
- Contact: Bruce Smith, vice-president: 0418 197 976

No 2 for Quirindi Al Simson overtaken by Ellerston’s No 3 Glen Gilmore to stop a Quirindi goal.
Scone Polo – Muswellbrook Cup
Licensed bar and catering available from 11.00am.
- When: 11am – 5pm.
- Where: Polo Grounds, Waverley Road, Gundy.
- www.sconepoloclub.com.au
St Luke’s Anglican Church – Open for inspection
You are welcome to tour the church and grounds of this historic church. Booklets with points of interest, history of memorial stain-glass windows and the grounds are available. The church is a beautiful building, please come and enjoy.
- When: 12pm – 5pm.
- Where: St Luke’s Anglican Church, Liverpool Street, Scone.
- Contact: Margaret : 0438 451 891
Equestrian Vaulting Competition
Vaulting is one of the most spectacular of the equestrian sports, where both dynamic
and static gymnastic elements are combined with music and performed on a cantering
horse. Full canteen will be available on the day. wellbrook@bigpond.com
- When: 9am – 2pm.
- Where: ‘Dunsinane’, 274 Turanville Road, Scone.
- Contact: Robyn: 0429 947 015
- wellbrook@bigpond.com
- www.equestrianvaulting.com.au
Cattle Dog Trials
The Scone Horse Festival Cattle Dog Trials.
- When: 8.30am – 4pm.
- Where: East Rossgole, Aberdeen.
- Contact: Guy: 0409 828 685
Professional Farriers Association NSW Branch State Title and Blacksmith Competitons
Three man draught horse shoeing and stud managers’ competition.
Judge: Australian Champion, Michael Saunders from Western Australia.
- When: 7am-early afternoon.
- Where: White Park, Guernsey Street, Scone.
- Contact: James Balfe: 0413 517 178
Murrurundi Art Prize
- When: 10am-4pm.
- Where: Murrurundi RSL Hall, Mayne Street, Murrurundi
- Contact: Mandy Archibald: 0415 503 632
- mandy@boydscreek.com.au
- www.murrurundiartprize.com
For more information on what’s coming up in the Horse Festival visit our Community Calendar.