Truck Stop Development Deferred
A proposal for a truck stop and retail development on the corner of Macqueen Street and Perth Street in Aberdeen went before the state planning commission this afternoon in Scone and the panel unanimously voted to defer the decision, pending more information from the applicant.
Further details requested by the panel included:
- Further information to address pedestrian and vehicle access during stage one of the development (the retail area) and stage two (the truck stop development), including the incorporation of traffic lights.
- More detail on the loading bay for the supermarket and management of conflict with other vehicle movements.
- The main entry from the highway in stage 2 – design, line marking and signage defined to show how different purposes will be managed on the site.
- Reduction in the size of the 8 metre high signage proposed to be more in keeping with the proximity of the residential area.
- Revised plans to relocate the 4.2m acoustic wall to a minimum of 6 metres from the boundary to allow for more landscaping, with suitable species for landscaping identified.
- The proposed vehicle access and access ways minimised in footprint.
- Consideration for a community space within the complex.
- A firm framework of ongoing noise and monitoring of noise from the site.
The representative of the applicant, David Rose, said he expected the additional detail would take a matter of weeks to collate.
The additional information will then be assessed by Council and re-submitted to the state planning panel. The Chair of the panel explained the information may be submitted electronically and may or may not include another public meeting.
More information on the details of the proposal and community reaction at the meeting will be published tomorrow.