Shave for Leukaemia

Filed in Recent News by May 1, 2017

By Michael Flaherty

THE Leukaemia Foundation will be well supported this Saturday when the Golden Fleece Hotel hosts the foundation’s Worlds Greatest Shave this Saturday at 1pm after the Scone Horse Festival’s parade.

Meg Adams organised the event with the help of Mac Dawson after her friends mother Vicki James passed away from the disease last August, Ms James family will be there on Saturday to support the cause and cut off Meg Adams ponytail.

Meg initially had a goal of $520 which is a nights accommodation for a family supporting a family member going through chemotherapy but has already had donations of almost three thousand dollars.

“The shave was initially inspired by a local lady Vicki James who lost her battle to cancer in August of last year and since then it was going to be a small intimate family event but it’s become quite a big community event which is awesome, I’m extremely excited to be doing it. Mac’s jumped on board and he has recruited quite a few donations and sponsorships from local businesses,” said Ms Adams.

“I am a flight attendant so my head won’t be as naked as Mac’s because I still have to have a couple of millimeters just to cover my scalp,” Ms Adams said.

“On the day there is going to be bacon and egg rolls before the parade and then afterwards we are going to have a big sausage sizzle and BBQ lunch provided that people can purchase and there will be kids face painting, live entertainment and raffles where amazing raffle prizes have been donated by local businesses,” Meg Adams said.

Mac Dawson is another shavee and Dawson and Dawson Real Estate had already kicked off the donation with 250 dollars, he challenges other businesses to match or better their donation.

“Originally when Meg spoke to me about it we kicked it off with $250…I’ve since then created my own link as well so I’ve kicked it off with $260, I put a little challenge out there to all the other agents especially and then any of the other local businesses that want to jump on board as everyone is touched by this awful disease whether it’s leukaemia or cancer it needs to be stomped on the head and whether it’s a hundred dollars or just one dollar, it all counts,” said Mac Dawson.

Owner of the Golden Fleece Don “Duck” Adams has convinced well known local barman Shane “Bowmo” Bowman to cut of his handlebar moustache if two thousand dollars is donated over the bar.

“Shane Bowman has agreed to cut his mo off which I don´t know if he’s ever done it before, we’ve raised about a thousand and we need to raise at least another thousand, anyone that wants to donate it would be great, Shane Bowman is probably the most known barman in this town, he’s a grey headed hippie,” Don Adams said.

If you want to donate your hair for wigs it has to be at least 20cm long plaited and if you want to get invlolved contact Meg Adams on 0418 553 672 or Mac Dawson on 0432 746 716.

Donate to Leukaemia and sponsor Meg Adams here.

Donate to Leukaemia and sponsor Mac Dawson here.

To sponsor Bowmo shaving off his handlebars donate over the bar at the Golden Fleece Hotel.

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