Council Meeting – September 2016

Filed in Recent News by September 27, 2016

MAYOR Wayne Bedggood began the ordinary Council meeting by thanking his fellow Councillors for voting him Mayor and highlighted the major projects they need to address during the next four years including the bypass, the in-town rail overpass, the Willow Tree to Merriwa Road, White Park having a covered arena and covered sheds at the saleyards.

“So I’d like to say roll up your sleeves and let’s achieve all we can in the next four years,” said Mayor Bedggood.

“I’d also like to thank Deirdre Peebles for her 18 years of service, who didn’t return to Council and I hope we have the chance to formally thank her for her contribution soon,” he said.

Maurice Collison thanked the Councillors for electing him Deputy Mayor and said he looked forward to working well with Wayne again this term.

View: September Council Agenda.


  • Councillor Watts declared a conflict of interest for item G9.7 in relation to a Christmas Event, because she is the Manager of the Scone Neighbourhood Resource Centre who was hosting the event.
  • Mayor Bedggood declared a conflict of interest for item G9.2 in relation to his role as a board member on TransCare.
  • Councillor Fisher declared a conflict of interest in relation to the Merriwa Show, item G9.3.

Public Participation:

There was no public participation at the Council meeting.

  • C9.1 – Council and Committee Schedule. An amendment was made to point 3, that the meeting start time was 8:30am instead of 1pm. The motion was moved by Cr Driscoll and Cr Campbell. Councillor Brown requested one ordinary meeting be held in Merriwa and Murrurundi each year. Councillor Campbell said he thought it was standard procedure that a meeting was held in Merriwa. Mayor Bedggood said that was the case but Councillor Brown was adding a meeting for Murrurundi. Councillor Abbott said she wanted to be on the Devil’s Ark committee instead of Councillor Brown and Cr Brown was amenable. All voted in favour and the motion was carried.
  • G 9.2 – Cancer Council NSW – Sponsorship. The motion was moved to contribute $2,000 a year to the NSW Cancer Council and TransCare. Cr Watts said she was totally in support of this great initiative which would mean local people would find it easier to get them to hospital and would like to see the number of local people using this important service. The motion was carried.
  • G 9.3 – Merriwa Show Jumping and Dressage Club. The motion for Council not to commence charging fees to the Merriwa Show Jumping and Dressage Club until 2017/18. Was initially challenged by Cr Campbell who said it was a new club and it was questionable as to if it would keep going and he recommended the Council reassess their commitment in 12 months. Cr Driscoll said she thought the recommendation was self-explanatory and that it was assessed annually. Mayor Bedggood agreed with Cr Driscoll and asked if Cr Campbell wanted to withdraw his amendment, which he did.
  • G 9.5 – Scone Literary Long Weekend. There was a recommendation that Council contribute $800 to the community organisation. Cr Fisher asked that an amendment be made and the full amount requested by the organisation of $1,000 be given to the group. Steve Pryor explained via the Chair that $200 had already been given to the organisation, hence the extra $800 provided the total of $1,000 requested. Cr Fisher withdrew his amendment and the motion was carried.
  • G 9.6 – Cultural Activity Grants. Cr Watts commented the grants were an area Council was doing well. The motion was carried.
  • G 9.8 – Local Government NSW Annual Conference. Mayor Bedggood and Councillor Campbell volunteered to attend the conference. Cr Campbell said he would make sure “they were aware the Upper Hunter Shire Council is alive and well.”
  • G 9.9 – Christmas Tree. Cr Watts said she thought it was wonderful to look at having a town Christmas tree but questioned the amount being spent of $20,000 describing it was “a bit extreme” and recommended other options be sought. Cr Watts also said she would like to see a Christmas tree in each major town in the Shire. Mayor Bedggood agreed each town could have a tree in the future. Cr Campbell agreed it was a good idea, but also questioned $20,000 being spent on one tree.


  • Caravan Dump: Cr Watts questioned thee progress with the caravan waste dump saying she was concerned the lack of such facilities in Scone was hindering the town as a tourism destination. Alan Fletcher said Elizabeth Park had been determined as the most viable option. Cr Watts said she was pleased the issue had progressed and said she would like to see promotions on the new facilities.
  • Election Behaviour: Cr Watts said she was appaulled, disappointed and embarrassed to be a Councillor when she witnessed the bullying and harassment of a candidate during the local elections. She said she shared her concerns with the Mayor and even discussed resigning from the Council. She questioned if the Councillors or any Council employee was aware of the allegations being made about Liam Garment and if they were involved with the Daily Telegraph article. She said the matter needed to be investigated and dealt with accordingly. Mayor Bedggood said the General Manager would take the matter on notice and investigate further.
  • Candidate Branded a Bully: Cr Campbell said he agreed the behaviour against the candidate referenced by Cr Watts was unacceptable, but went on to claim that “the bullying by that gentleman was also unacceptable at pre-poll.” Mayor Bedggood cautioned Cr Campbell to cease discussing the matter and allow the general manager to investigate.
  • Flight Springs Road: Cr Campbell said he was disappointed road signs were not in place sooner on Flight Springs Road and said the condition of the road was poor. He also highlighted the health issues of residents who need to use the road. Alan Fletcher undertook to investigate further.
  • Road Attention: Cr Collison said he wanted a full report at the next works and technical services committee on the Moonan Cutting, Muffet / Sherwood streets and the road near the abattoir.
  • Segenhoe Road: Cr Driscoll asked about the progress with the Segenhoe Street upgrades. Alan Fletcher said he believed the road was due to be sealed in two to three weeks and explained the weather had hindered some progress.
  • Drugs at the Merriwa Youth Centre: Cr Fisher claimed there had been allegations relating to drugs and alcohol and the staff at the Merriwa Youth Centre and wanted the Council to make a motion to express confidence in the staff at the Youth Centre. Mayor Bedggood asked if a letter would be the best way to do that and Cr Fisher agreed, but also wanted a motion passed. The General Manager explained that for a motion to be passed they would need to investigate the matter, make a recommendation and then take the motion to the next Council meeting. Cr Fisher said there was discussion about “more to come” and so he wanted a motion passed by Council in that meeting. Mayor Bedggood agreed the proper process was outlined by the General Manager.







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