Council Meeting: May 2019

Filed in Recent News by May 29, 2019

Councillors present at Monday night’s meeting included Sue Abbott, Joshua Brown, Ron Campbell, Maurice Collison, Lorna Driscoll, Kiwa Fisher and Lee Watts. Absent were James Burns and Mayor Wayne Bedggood. Deputy Mayor Maurice Collison chaired the meeting.

RSL Motel Development

Scone RSL propose to build a two-story motel comprising of 21 units, with a reception, car parking for 23 vehicles, landscaping and signage, across the road from the Scone RSL Club at 70 Guernsey Street. The new development will require the demolition of an existing house and outbuildings.

Minutes from the development and environmental services committee meeting earlier this month document the concerns raised for development, especially the impact on a heritage home at 68 Guernsey Street, including loss of privacy and noise and light from vehicles. The applicant acknowledged it was in a heritage area, but also noted it was B4 mixed use zone.

The RSL’s failure to install a lift in the Club was raised which was part of a previous development application and the applicant explained they purchased the Scone Golf Club with those funds and would install the lift and refurbish the downstairs function room at the same time they begin building the motel.

Cr Abbott expressed concerns that the two story development was not in keeping with the West Scone Conservation Area. Cr Fisher acknowledged Ms French’s concerns, who owns the heritage home beside the proposed motel, but said he felt the applicant had tried very hard to mitigate the impacts of the development on a constrained site and did not believe the new building would be obtrusive of detract from the area.

During the general Council meeting, Cr Abbott asked that the decision to approve the development be deferred until an emission study was conducted for the car park and the impacts on neighbours assessed, however nobody seconded the motion.

The Council voted to approve the development.

Single Use Plastic Policy

The Council will put on public exhibition a new policy banning single-use plastic at Council events and events on Council land. Cr Fisher asked if bottle water was banned would glass bottles be permitted, it was confirmed it would be. Cr Watts said she had concerns for some events, such as the new Morning Bites van saying it would be unrealistic to expect school children to bring reusable containers for their food.

Cr Watts also asked if Council would be installing water bubblers at all venues so that water was accessible; it was confirmed they would be. Cr Watts said she was concerned that there was enough time to transition to the plastic free ban and was advised it would be phased in and there would be a guide for how to transition. Cr Campbell said he was concerned about glass water bottles being used as a weapon and said while he grew up with bubblers he was concerned about hygiene.

Cr Abbott said she understood the concerns but pointed out bubblers are successful across the world and agreed there needed to be a realistic transition period and education. Cr Abbott raised concerns that the minutes of the Sustainability Committee were not included and was advised it was a matter of timing. Cr Brown asked that the public exhibition period be extended from 28 days to 56 days. The exhibition period was extended and the Councillors voted to put the draft on exhibition.

Farrier Titles Fees Waived

The State Title Farrier and Blacksmith competition held on may 4 and 5 requested the fee of $700 to use White Park be waived. The Council voted to waive the fee.

Scone Race Club Waste Removal Fees

The Scone Race Club requested Council make a donation to them of $500 to remove waste following the Scone Cup Carnival. Cr Brown asked that the decision be deferred until the June Council meeting so that more financial information could be provided by the Club. Cr Campbell expressed his concerns for some of the donations Council was asked to give and suggested a review of their policy.

Questions Answered

Cr Watts expressed her relief that questions from previous meetings were answered, following previous meetings where Councillors expressed their annoyance that they were not receiving timely answers.


Cr Abbott asked if the ban on balloons at Council venues, which was previously endorsed by Council had been implemented. Cr Abbott was advised it was part of the Single-Use Plastic Policy which was about to be placed on public exhibition.

Aberdeen Truck Stop

Cr Abbott asked if the information about the Aberdeen truck stop would be placed on the Council website and asked when a decision on the development was expected from the State assessment panel. Cr Abbott was advised it would be placed on the website, but they were not aware when a decision may be made.

Review of Environmental Factors

Cr Abbott asked if she could be given a copy of the Review of Environmental Factors for the Scone Bypass construction. She was advised a copy would be provided.

Invitations to Councillors

Cr Abbott said as Chair of the Library committee she was annoyed Council had made a major announcement about the local libraries, which she was only made aware of after the event and through reading a media release. She asked that all Councillors be informed of Council events and be invited to attend. She also asked why a media release was sent to media after the event and not prior to the event so that they could attend and cover the story independently. The General Manager, Steve McDonald apologised and said he would ensure Councillors were invited to future events and media releases were sent prior to events.

Homelessness and Affordable Housing

Cr Abbott questioned Council’s priorities when they were spending millions on specific projects in the Shire, but not addressing homelessness in the local community. The general manager, Steve McDonald said they supported the position to address homelessness and would undertake a study in next year’s budget to assess the scope of the issue and then be in a position to decided what resources were required.

Water Restrictions

Cr Abbott asked when Scone may be placed on water restrictions, with the ongoing drought and Glenbawn Dam dwindling. The general manager, Steve McDonald, said the state government assessed dam levels and water use at June 30 and said they expected that the trigger of 50% capacity at the dam would see restrictions implemented. He further explained the Shire was working with Muswellbrook and Singleton Shires to co-ordinate restrictions and education about restrictions.

Cuan Bridge

Cr Collison said he wanted to complement Nick Havyatt, director of infrastructure services and his team for the good work on the Cuan Bridge.









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