Candidate: Sue Abbott

Filed in Recent News by August 29, 2016 asked each candidate in the upcoming Upper Hunter Shire Council elections a series of questions to allow readers to compare and contrast responses, based on questions sent by our readers and stories which generated the most interest in the community:

1: An overview of your background.

Sue Abbott, canddidate in the 2016 Upper Hunter Shire Council elections.

Sue Abbott, candidate in the 2016 Upper Hunter Shire Council elections.

I’ve been an Upper Hunter local since 1983. My husband Richard is a local doctor here, and together we’ve raised and educated our four children in Scone.

For me, family and community are everything. That’s why in 2002, I worked with people across the Upper Hunter to save Scott Memorial Hospital from the State Government attempts to downgrade local care. To be strong, our community must be healthy.

2: Why are you running for Council?

We all know the next few years are going to be difficult – maybe more than ever before. What happens to our community after the mining boom is something we’re all worried about.

That’s why I’m running to be a councillor. I want to help bring our community together, so that we can do what we do best: overcome the challenges, and come out stronger.

3: Have you been on Council before? How many years? In what roles?


4: What are the three main issues you would like to address as a Councillor if you are elected?

  • Libraries,
  • better education and training for our kids,
  • keeping jobs local and well-paid

5: What do you think Councillors could be doing better?

Frank and fair communication … information on Shire matters needs to be freely available to the entire Upper Hunter Shire community.

6: Who have you listed on your “How to Vote” (in order):

  • Sue Abbott
  • Kiwa Fisher
  • Wayne Bedggood
  • Josh Brown
  • Lee Watts

7: In the referendum will you be voting for a directly elected Mayor? (yes / no).


8: Are you currently or have you ever been a member of a political party or campaigned for a political party?

No I am not a member of a political party. I have helped hand out at polling booths, once for a Labor candidate in the state election and once for an independent candidate in the federal election.

9: Would you have supported the sale of the library building without community consultation, putting it on the public record or out to public tender?


10: While not legally required, do you feel it is ethically required for Council to place on the public record the sale of any Council owned land and buildings?

Yes, the sale of the Scone Library Building on Kelly Street in 2011 and the sale of the Scone Library Building on Liverpool Street in 2015 were losses to the community. The community should be involved with important decisions such as these.

11: Do you think it was acceptable that septic services were closed without community consultation or it being placed on the public record?

I am not up to speed on this particular issue but generally I would agree that these matters should involve community consultation and be publicly discussed.

12: Do you feel the current Councillors have been able to ensure Council has been transparent and proactive with the community? Why/Why Not?

Council processes are complex and effective communication is essential.

13: Will you support free green waste drop off or green waste bins?

I support comprehensive waste management including green waste and recycling however there needs to be a balance struck between the expense to ratepayers and cost of services.

14: Many residents report feeling unsafe going for a walk due to the number of stray dogs. Do you think Council’s current response time of 24 hours for a ranger to attend to a call for a stray dog is acceptable? What would you propose?

Stray dogs need to be dealt with in the shortest time possible.

15: Do you feel the water pipeline to Murrurundi is progressing well or could Council be doing more to expediate this infrastructure?

I look forward to addressing this important issue if I am elected to council.

16: What improved recreational facilities would you support across the Shire?

I would need to consult the Upper Hunter Shire community to be guided before I answered this question. But I definitely want to see the Scone Library and the Scone Neighbourhood Resource Centre ‘re-housed.’

17: Where can people find more information about you?

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